Thursday, July 10, 2014

School Hours - Bus Pick-up - Student Pick-up and Procedures

School Hours: 8:00 - 3:30
School starts at 8:00 am and the tardy bell rings at 8:10.

Student Drop-off
Student drop-off before 8:10 is at the back of the school. Parents walking in before 8:10 must also park in the back of the school. Students are not permitted to be dropped off at the front of the school, even if you are coming in with them.  The front is for teacher parking and bus drop off until after 8:10 am. If you attempt to park or drop your child off in the front, you will be ask to pull to the back of the school. Please follow these procedures. After 8:10 you may park in the front and are asked to walk in with your child to sign them in as tardy. Please do not send your child in by themselves when they are tardy.
Bus pick-up: 
Busses 8 & 44 will leave the school at 2:30 pm
Busses 17, 24, and 41 will leave the school at 2:40 pm
All other busses will depart from the school at 3:15 pm

Parent Pick-up:
Parents will pick their children up between 2:45 - 3:05 at the back of the school
We ask all parents to stay in their vehicles during student pick-up in the afternoons. Parents will drive through the line to pick up students. This is a safety precaution and we thank you for helping keep our students safe. We will give you a visor sign to write your child's name on to help speed the process up.

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